I am embarassed to see how long ago my last post was - not really because I haven't kept up with this, but rather because it is a reflection of my heart. Let me explain....
Chris & I have been a bit discouraged over the past two months. Not because of anything that has happened, but rather we were not aware and offensive toward the schemes of our enemy!
Ephesians 6:12 "For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places"
We know that we are in a situation that God is SO in control of! His sovereignty is unspeakable! Yet..we doubt, we try and take or have some hand in control, we try our best to "help" the Lord!
We hadn't heard anything from our agency since we turned our packet in nearly 3 months ago. Let me be clear that New Life is an amazing agency, led by the Spirit, and worked by only two counselors (only one of which does home studies). These women are amazing, Spirit-filled and VERY sensitive to hear the guidance of the Holy Spirit! I say that to preface anything else I say about how the enemy discouraged Chris & I!
Over the course of three months, our discouragement has turned our hopeful anticipation of what the Lord will bring, to doubt. We allowed the enemy to get our focus off of how BIG our God is...and focus on man, logic and reason. Somehow, our subconscious "when", became a subconscious "if".
I think of it as a walk down a road - a tall road with steep ditches on each side. Walking on the road is walking with the Lord - a hopeful anticipation of what will come, and complete trust of God's timing! In order to stay on the road, you must keep your eyes on HIM!!
All it takes is one moment and off you slip, into the ditch! Take your eyes off of the Lord and put them on the situation....anxiety comes. A constant thought of "what-if", or "when"...consuming your mind! SIN!!!
Take your eyes off the Lord and put them on yourself - apathy! "Let's just not think about this, because it could hurt my heart"...self preservation and a complete lack of focus on WHO God is!! SIN!!!
Fortunately, through God's amazing grace and love, along with several godly friends faithfully praying for us and speaking truth.....we are refocused! We have climbed back onto the road of FAITH! GOD IS AMAZING! HE IS IN CONTROL OF EVERYTHING!! HIS TIMING IS PERFECT!!
He has taught us so much, but obviously has so much more to teach us!! I love it when he encourages us through his Word. This is the scripture that He spoke over me, as I repented for my lack of faith and focus....
Joshua 1:9 "This is my command - be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your god is with you wherever you go!"
Yes!!! Let us ALL be strong & courageous in everything we do!!! NOT because of our faith or anything other that WHO GOD IS!!!
1 comment:
I'm so glad the Lord has encouraged you and you feel refocused on his plan for you guys! It's a good one! I pray for your birthmom and baby daily! Love you, dear friend!
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